The dream about being free and no more chained to the pol ended quick for this little white goat. His herder caught him back pretty quick after his escape and put him to the place where he wanted to have him: back to the long chain - poor little goat...! :)
(click in the picture to see it bigger!)
Hi my friends,
thank you so much for all your kind visits and lovely comments to my "sweet" post from yesterday, very much appreciated!
The next two days we will be working and I don't think I will have time to post anything. Please stay tuned with me anyway, o.k.? :) Thanks!
Susanne and David
(click in the picture to see it bigger!)
Hi my friends,
thank you so much for all your kind visits and lovely comments to my "sweet" post from yesterday, very much appreciated!
The next two days we will be working and I don't think I will have time to post anything. Please stay tuned with me anyway, o.k.? :) Thanks!
Susanne and David
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